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Fig. 1 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 1

From: Modules in robust but low-efficiency phyllosphere fungal networks drive saponin accumulation in leaves of different Panax species

Fig. 1

Fungal MENs and the relative contribution of different drivers to network links. a Six fungal networks constructed for two compartments of three Panax species. Node colors represent modules with 5 or more nodes. Gray and red links represent positive and negative correlations stronger than threshold, respectively. Digits displayed on left bottom of networks represent the number of nodes, positive and negative links, respectively; b The proportion of edges assigned to different driven forces calculated according to LTED. Environment represents edges which can be attributed to covariations of ASVs to environment variables. Spatial distance represents edges that can be attributed to dispersal limitation. Env & Dist represents edges driven by both environmental filtering and dispersal limitation. Remaining edges are assigned to the force of potential biological interactions

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