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Fig. 6 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Soil bacterial community composition is more stable in kiwifruit orchards relative to phyllosphere communities over time

Fig. 6

The amount of variation in bacterial community composition of the A leaf, B fruit and C soil communities, based on variance partitioning (VarPart), that could be explained by time (sample dates), kiwifruit variety (Hayward, Gold), soil chemistry (pH, anaerobically mineralisable N: Total N, Total nitrogen (TN, %), C: N, Potassium (me/100 g), Sodium (me/100 g)), climate (Jan (summer) max temperature (℃), July (winter) min temperature (℃), total precipitation (mm)). D & E display the relationship between the median βNTI value of each orchard in the soil communities and D total nitrogen and E July minimum temperature of each orchard. Pearson’s correlation was used to measure the strength of the relationships

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