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Fig. 2 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Phytoplankton ecology in the early years of a boreal oil sands end pit lake

Fig. 2

Heatmap with double hierarchical clustering analysis, depicting relative abundances of genera that comprise ≥ 1% of the total detected in the 18S rRNA gene sequencing analysis for shared sample dates between BML, BCR, and MLSB, normalized to 1000 counts using the R package SRS. Genera are colour-coded by phylum and clustered based on similarities across sites. Hierarchal cluster analyses of sites shown at the top of the heatmap include approximately unbiased alpha levels (AU) (p-values computed by multiscale bootstrap resampling) and bootstrap probability for 1000 resamplings (BP) of each node (AU/BP). AU values > 95 indicate significant cluster nodes. BML and BCR consistently cluster apart from MLSB

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