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Fig. 2 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Exploring virus-host-environment interactions in a chemotrophic-based underground estuary

Fig. 2

Phage host range predictions using CRISPR spacers, viral tRNA homology and prophage genomic landscape. (a) Prokaryotic host phyla of viral community. Archaeal phyla are denoted with asterisks. From left to right: the vOTU count that are predicted to infect each host phylum are displayed by numerals, and represented visually by the size of the circles; vOTU alpha diversity (Shannon index) infecting each host phylum, displayed for all assigned phyla; viral taxonomic classifications (family-level) of the vOTUs infecting each host phylum are displayed by red tiles. (b) Network showing links between vOTUs (black nodes) and metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs; coloured nodes). MAG nodes are coloured by phylum. The size of each MAG node is based on the number of vOTUs it is associated with. The network was visualised using the ForceAtlas layout algorithm within Gephi v0.9.7 [77]

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