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Fig. 3 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Seed tuber imprinting shapes the next-generation potato microbiome

Fig. 3

Bacterial community composition of daughter tubers and roots. PCoA of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data of a daughter tubers of Variety A and B, b roots of Variety A and B, c daughter tubers of Variety A only, or d roots of Variety A only, e daughter tubers of Variety B only and f roots of Variety B only. Each symbol represents the bacterial community of one replicate potato peel sample. Each daughter tuber sample consisted of a pool of potato peels collected from 6 daughter tubers of one plant. Each root sample is a subset of the whole root of the same plant from which the daughter tubers were sampled. For each variety, 4 replicate samples were collected from each of the 4 randomly distributed replicate plots. Green symbols represent Variety A and orange symbols represent Variety B. Different shapes within a same color represent different production fields. The P from PERMANOVA is shown in each PCoA plot. Each ellipse represents a 68% confidence region and depicts the spread of data points within each group

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