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Fig. 6 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Niche differentiation and biogeography of Bathyarchaeia in paddy soil ecosystems: a case study in eastern China

Fig. 6

Co-occurrence network analyses of archaea and Bathyarchaeia in paddy soils. Co-occurrence network of archaea community based on the archaeal amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) with relative abundance higher than 1% (a). The numbers outside the circular plot represent the number of edges related with Class. Zi-Pi plot showing the distribution of archaeal ASVs based on their topological roles (b). Co-occurrence network of Bathyarchaeial community based on the Bathyarchaeial ASVs (c). Heatmap of the relationship between Bathyarchaeia modules and environmental parameters (f). * and ** represent the significance at 0.05 and 0.01 level

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